Student Welfare

Healthy Eating Policy

Pupils are encouraged to bring a healthy lunch i.e. fruit, sandwiches, bread rolls, yogurt, etc. No fizzy drinks please. No sweets, chocolate or biscuits are allowed from Monday to Thursday but a small treat is allowed on Fridays. Chewing gum is not allowed at any time. As there are two breaks each day please ensure your child has something for each.  Some of our children have a very early start and we allow all children to have a snack before class in the morning.


The school has a comprehensive safety policy and as part of this please remind your child to cross safely at the pedestrian crossing at Goggins, Monkstown and at the DART station.

Please take care when dropping and collecting children as the area outside the       school becomes very congested. Children are NOT supervised before 9.00am        and you will be asked to sign a form to state that you are aware of this.       Children who travel to school by bus will be escorted, by the principal, from the    buses to the school yard where they will be collected by their class teacher.

Parents are also advised that children cannot, under any circumstances, be collected from the swimming pool on Fridays. The swimming pool is a very busy area where children have to be supervised at all times and we would not be able to guarantee their safety if they were allowed to be collected.

We have school policies on Health and Safety and First Aid which will be made available on this website

It is essential that we are provided with a selection of telephone numbers   should we need to make contact with you in an emergency.

Long earrings are not allowed in school and any necklaces or pendants must be        worn inside the child’s uniform.

Pupil Personal Accident Insurance is paid for by the Board of Management.

Please ensure that the school has an up-to-date contact number for you at all times.

Security System

An intercom system is in place in the school. Please ring the front door to gain       access.

Medical Conditions

 We provide a form for you to inform us of any medical conditions that you child may have. We can administer essential medication during the school day but will not administer vitamins or occasional medication. Please discuss any needs your child may have with the Principal.


There is restricted parking at the school. In the interest of safety please do not park in the lane at the front of the school.  School buses stop here to let children on and off and the staff park here too.

Student Council

We have a student council where each class is represented by two children. This committee meets with the Principal on a regular basis to discuss school matters.  It is a very important part of school management
